Wednesday, April 29, 2009

V R E Infectioncomplications


Pier Cesare Revolver, professor and director of Cremit Catholic University of Milan, has recently been expressed about the increasingly widespread use of whiteboards Multimedia (Nova-April 22-Sun 24 hours ago) by observing how the future of the school does not pass automatically through the equipment and digital literacy, but in the hands of teachers.
Recently a colleague pointed out to me how to read information from a web page is not very different from reading a page of a book I can only agree! This does not mean that your computer or the web are comparable to a printed text, but that is the use made of it to determine its value. Here's where it should go into the field will update the teacher: the media board, like many Web 2.0 resources, has the potential to achieve collaboration and cooperation between teachers and students to construct knowledge together if the teacher is prepared to use it for true ultimate end to which it is responsible or the construction of collaborative knowledge.

But the DNA of teachers is difficult to change! Ingrained habits, due to prolonged exposure to one type of methodology changed for decades, are difficult to remove. It 'hard brought into question, let the kids develop self-assessment skills and work with them means coming down from the pedestal of the holder of absolute knowledge, open to the world and get to the side of those who are growing, as a fellow expert, yes, but mostly as life -long learner, curious about the new that's around, open to experiment with its possibilities, willing to study again.
Only if we show love for knowledge, we can convey the excitement of the challenge and the satisfaction of lifelong learning.


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