Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Samantha Anderson 38g Blog


The European Commission has published the Eurobarometer , according to which indices, Italy's innovation is in second last place, well below the European average (white column graph above) regarding, inter alia, investment in R & D in Informatics, the number of graduates in technical-scientific and European patents.
The established trend for some years does not seem attributable to the global crisis and reduced investment: there are inventions, science and culture. This news made me think of "Minds for the Future," the latest book by Gardner, in which the scholar stresses the need to review thoroughly and deeply learning models: the current education system, created to prepare individuals for 19 th and 20 th century, is quite well suited to developing only the "disciplined mind" (mind respectful of rules and standards: "Obedient mind"), which extends in depth, but, unfortunately, is not sufficient alone to face the challenges of the 21st century.
Gardner accuses the school system to ignore the "synthesizing mind" ("synthesising mind") that grows in width, and, even more grve, to paralyze the "creating mind" ("creative minds"), which is extraordinarily flexible and forms the basis for success in the knowledge economy.
The writer examines the American system, but I do not think that our school is better prepared to stimulate creativity, perhaps if we want more innovation would be appropriate to review the priorities within the programs, reducing quantity to quality and especially for the development of technological skills and Case Study solving.

V R E Infectioncomplications


Pier Cesare Revolver, professor and director of Cremit Catholic University of Milan, has recently been expressed about the increasingly widespread use of whiteboards Multimedia (Nova-April 22-Sun 24 hours ago) by observing how the future of the school does not pass automatically through the equipment and digital literacy, but in the hands of teachers.
Recently a colleague pointed out to me how to read information from a web page is not very different from reading a page of a book I can only agree! This does not mean that your computer or the web are comparable to a printed text, but that is the use made of it to determine its value. Here's where it should go into the field will update the teacher: the media board, like many Web 2.0 resources, has the potential to achieve collaboration and cooperation between teachers and students to construct knowledge together if the teacher is prepared to use it for true ultimate end to which it is responsible or the construction of collaborative knowledge.

But the DNA of teachers is difficult to change! Ingrained habits, due to prolonged exposure to one type of methodology changed for decades, are difficult to remove. It 'hard brought into question, let the kids develop self-assessment skills and work with them means coming down from the pedestal of the holder of absolute knowledge, open to the world and get to the side of those who are growing, as a fellow expert, yes, but mostly as life -long learner, curious about the new that's around, open to experiment with its possibilities, willing to study again.
Only if we show love for knowledge, we can convey the excitement of the challenge and the satisfaction of lifelong learning.

Friday, April 10, 2009

37 Weeks Sharp Twinged

Fruits and vegetables are not what they used to be!?

Fruits and vegetables are essential in a healthy and balanced diet. But we also need to be aware of what kind of fruit and vegetables we eat every day. In fact, the intake of vitamins and minerals contained in these foods are now lower than it once was. Head of the growing system and, especially, distribution of fresh foods. First, the intensive exploitation of the land ended up impoverishing then absorbed nutrients from these foods. Then there are the times of the supply chain: from the point of harvest to point of consumption are very time consuming. Fruits and vegetables are transported by truck or rail to the warehouses of the general markets, often at temperatures not controlled situations that may create a loss of vitamins are present in the products. Then distributed to food retailers may be exposed to the sun and not entirely sold on the same day.
For all these reasons the Cooperative was founded "The Bridge" in Padua, which decided to make a difference by offering individuals, families and groups of packages of food and agricultural products (dry / fruit and vegetables) with these features :
the high quality of products (GMO-free, from companies that pursue the goal of zero chemical compound and expression of environmentally sustainable supply chains)
the environment (by encouraging the production of low environmental impact, the short cycle , products season, reducing the volume of packaging and optimizing transportation)
the promotion of a different style of consumption and can
Acting on these items, the Cooperative "The Bridge" is able to charge lower prices to consumers by about 20-30% than those proposed by the operators of reference (see Retail)
The Cooperative "The Bridge" is sponsored by the Consortium Co.Se.PA (Consortium services for agriculture) and non-profit organization Legambiente in line with its commitment to environmental and social as part of its campaign for Italian agriculture Legambiente Quality (Laiq). The Cooperative
"The Bridge" was therefore the objective of promoting economic initiatives among citizens sustainable social and environmental point of view, thus giving new impetus to cooperation, mutuality, solidarity and ecological practices. He also wants to create a network within which members can find answers to a wide range of needs, especially since the daily needs and essentials, such as grocery shopping and then get to other more specific needs.
For further information contact David by email Zanetti ( ) or by phone (3299193110).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Long Gown Rentals Metro Manila

The role of the school into the future. Computer

The signs of change are everywhere: the ' OECD OBSERVER , the newsletter of the OECD in English and France introduced a new Web Edition optimized for mobile and iPhone, and new items at the bottom of the bookmark icon shows the most popular social media (Facebook, My space etc). In the year dedicated to Darwin, perhaps it would be recalled that the species to survive is the one that best adapts to change, if this were not enough could recall what the historian Arnold Toynbee said about the fortune and misfortune of civilization due to the ability to exploit the latest techniques available and distributed to the population as a whole.
's article in the OECD " Innovation and globalization through OECD ITS looking glass "Ron Gass, examines possible scenarios for economic development and the role of educational institutions in defining this future. As long as the labor cost is the main factor of production is logical that the same production moves to countries where labor costs are lower. But the economies and society creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship must be distributed to the entire population. There is need to propose policies based on territory and the mobilization of endogenous human and cultural resources, rather than the redistribution of resources through subsidies that should guide policies and economic culture must tend towards enterprise and initiative rather than to help. Globalization and innovation on the one hand increase the wealth, but on the other increase social inequality: the advanced economies and democratic societies can not escape their powerful social effects. As they transition from industrial society to post-industrial to the information, future developments seem to lead this change in the continuous need for creative companies. Following the resolution of this crisis in financial markets, the only possibility of growth and productivity of the real economy will ride the wave of emerging technologies pervasive in the energy, biological and ecological information technology and communications.
The OECD has initiated a debate on creative company, and calls the education sector to take over because it has always been education, others to convey the legacy of the past was the area MP to prepare for the future. I wonder how many teachers are ready and willing to take on this task so important in my daily experience, unfortunately I do not see many!

Monday, April 6, 2009

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in the street for children in India: an original initiative that is delivering substantial

Of the reports made available on-line conference in Turin ended March 26 "A School Day in 2020" organized by the Foundation for School Compagnia di San Paolo, the intervention that I found most interesting was to Sugata Mitra, Professor of Technology Education and Director of Research, School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, University of Newcastle, UK. The teacher presented a model of self-organized learning activities, the gap of where geographic isolation is the greatest need have access to technologies for education because that is where there are no good schools or good teachers. The
"HiWEL" (Hole-in-the-Wall Education Limited), has set up the computer stations in the road and weather resistant to any attempts at tampering and petty theft, can work independently but also have a remote control device (Remote Monitoring Station) to monitor their daily use. Access always available allows children (the shelter shelters are deliberately positioned at a low height to avoid the use of stations by adults) to find educational software that engages children in specific projects directly related to their daily lives: carefully planned educational tests have found the small people, not just a better school performance, but, more importantly, development collaborative skills and an ability to analyze and synthesize indirectly induced and evaluate information that will make them life-long learner. Thanks to their special "holes in the walls" children find information, collect data and draw up reports for the community.
India is planning to be able to access to basic education by 2010 all children, and - especially - girls aged 6 to 14 years living in both rural and urban areas and the initiative of HiWEL seems the key to both ensure the inclusiveness that the desired quality for such an initiative.
There is no doubt that the future of education will be very different from the situation today: the desire can not fail to discover, learn, learn which children are seen queuing up in the CNN video below (the stations have been a source of inspiration for the film "Slumdog Millionnaire"), a curiosity that the school is connected back to its roots industrial, with teachers perched in their illusion of having all the knowledge and the magic formula to administer to their students, they do not know what it is. Even teachers who use ICT often are careful to question the functioning of the education system (George Louis Baron), and what they need now is
students - use technology everywhere and at all times their learning the requests for access to essential information to pursue their goals
- use a wide range of learning resources and collaboration with others in an environment that provides online services wherever they are and ensure access to that support for teaching and learning that is formal the network (Levy and Murni cited by Doug Brown).
stubborn professors who consider themselves untouchable sources of knowledge I would like to point out that when the BBC August 24, 2006 at 13:30 informed that the planets of the solar system had suddenly become only the eighth because astronomers had reviewed the characteristics of the planets, 13:31 Wikipedia's article was updated and was already well-adjusted 90 times before midnight the same day, and that using Open Courses university of MIT is like finding $ 40,000 on a bench in the words of a certain Michael from a small town rural America.
Eric van Hippel of MIT professor and author of "Democratizing Innovation" uses the word "prosumer" epitomizza that the nature of cooperative networks of knowledge creation of the network merging "producer" and "consumer": the teaching of coming decades will be focused on the learner, to be rich in technology, exploratory in nature and focused on problem solving (Tracy Grey).

Friday, April 3, 2009

How To Control Temperature Of Woodstove

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Upper Crust Pizza Santa Cruz

Have you worked for yourself or MS Distribution Ladies Spa? The Card

If you have worked or are working for the company or MS Distribution Ladies Spa Borgoforte of poplars (Mn) and want to leave a comment on it, express yourself in moderation. Do you even know about your experience so that people will in future work at this company can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat awaits!