Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How Long For Hematoma To Heal


The video below was created to satisfy my overwhelming need for a cathartic suscitatami unexplained observations from which the said Minister Gelmini the increase of failures recorded this year.
My surprise and indignation when I became uncontrollable found that Washington was to host the "Global Competitiveness Education Summit, a meeting strongly supported by leaders of American politics - aware of the adverse impact on the economy of the failure of the students - including their leaders and leaders from Australia, Finland, Singapore and Canada, countries that achieve excellent results in education. America, it believes that it is essential to revitalize its education system to go back to being competitive and meet the changing needs of the knowledge society of the 21st century, organized a summit to discover the secrets of those who have already happened in order to discover how to develop skills for the third millennium and energize the innovation that drives economic growth.
while Mr Gelmini he wanted to clarify how the failure by many of our boys were a clear demonstration of the effectiveness and, above all, meritocracy in our education system, the other side of some emerging practices applicants that characterize an effective school: first of all, the connection of training and recruitment and constant updating required for the teaching staff and educational testing for students. As our school system has traditionally been far from this modus operandi has been repeatedly emphasized by many scholars of undisputed fame: I built the doubt that maybe everything was not known to the Honourable, hence my humble attempt to make a collage of data OECD-CERI, interviews, lectures and articles by prominent men of culture, Photo ( Flickr), music (Jamendo) in Creative Commons to give shape to the many doubts that fill my conscience as a citizen, my ethics teacher, my mind of life-long learner and my mother's heart.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Serie De Studio 10 Quickstart


E 'has just been published by the Minster of Education Research an American on 46 studies that compared the education Traditional education online: the results have concluded that the "blended learning" (ie learning that includes both the traditional teaching that can be found in the Internet) is more effective than individual approaches alone. In addition, the use online resources produced, alone, better results than they do the traditional teaching in the presence of the teacher. The U.S. Secretary of Education

Arnie Duncan said the news, stressing the need for teachers to incorporate digital content into their daily lessons.

The possibility that the effectiveness is due to the increase of learning time that the blended learning exposes the learner and not the instrument itself, does not seem to resize significativamentel'importanza a real increase in the success that is the destination most desired by each teacher has his or her profession to heart .

more interest, perhaps, is the discovery of the lack of experimental studies from 1996 to 2006 which should stimulate a more scientific approach to the comparison between blended learning and traditional learning