Monday, January 18, 2010

What Do Nipple Piercings Mean

Tutor intelligent and sensitive another American recipe for student success. WHY

cognitive tutor programs, which in America are already used in thousands of schools, the University of Massachusetts is testing software for tutoring sensitive to emotions in order to improve student performance: The program, which is part of a larger project to be able to provide the system of intelligent tutor emotional and social support, includes among the financiers National Science Foundation and the Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences
The first results are encouraging because the ' Using these experimental software has produced an increase of 10% success in testing the geometry for students who have them used for a week. With bracelets with sensors that can detect changes in pulse and perspiration sensor nell'imbottitura chair, reading posture and sensors on the mouse, which record the possible increase of the pressure close to the mouse itself, any signs of frustration are immediately buffered by the computer tutor.
Now I have to admit my lack of information regarding the Italian initiative, but it seems to me that here (because of the increase veritiginoso failures recorded at the end of last school anus), rather than the tendency to deal with the discomfort of the students and how it can affect learning, it is very most common approach that is taken for granted and penalizes lack of interest among students for a school that continues to be far from reality. Instead of asking why the students do a lot of absences, the Minister Gelmini is concerned to impose by law a minimum percentage of attendance for eligibility for promotion: it is much easier than making a qualifying teachers capable of making school more interesting .