Wednesday, March 18, 2009

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100% of university students: a recipe for success is the integrated curriculum

E ' the High Tech High (an elementary school, two middle and five above) to San Diego to hold the primacy of access to 100% of his students at the university through an integrated curriculum of interdisciplinary studies. A success that in 2000, when he opened with a single class, was not taken for granted but which arrived on time thanks to a complete restructuring of the academic.
A revolution began in the late 90's thanks to research like
"The Logic of Interdisciplinary Studies " by Sandra Mathison and Melissa Freeman (presented at the annual symposium of the American Educational Research Association), which showed how the curricula of interdisciplinary study integrated door to "positive educational outcomes"
- comprehension, memory and application of general concepts better;
- understanding interconnections and the development of global perspectives, viewpoints and multiple values \u200b\u200bincreased;
- greater ability to make decisions, to think critically and creatively and synthesize knowledge across disciplines;
- ability to identify, evaluate and transfer significant information developed to solve problems;
- promotion of cooperative learning, perception of their ability to learn and the importance of their role within the community;
- strongest motivation.
Thanks to the support of important and inspirational figures such as Sir Ken Robinson, Heidi Hayes Jacobs and James Beane, the American system seems to be metabolized this essential requirement of integration. Well the video shows the " Common Sense: An Overview of Integrated Studies ", in which are some enlightening experiences that confirm the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary approach that makes the school gym where you can experience real life unforgettable work helping with different talents, reworking original designs in the latest information, for review and finally to judgments of experts.
What is the daily reality of the experiential knowledge of post-industrial society a lesson for discipline rigidly stuck in a school day?
The denominator common to all projects of the video programming created by professors and experts in an area of \u200b\u200bconvergence of disparate disciplines: for example the Landy Middle School students quttordicenni have designed, built and tested cars powered air balloon, created commercials and calculated financing for the purchase prototypes.
The King Middle School has even drawn the entire curriculum of the students on a plot interdisciplinary, reaching extraordinary goals: the school, previously included among those with lower-level results, today belongs to the group better.
Perhaps a new approach to interdisciplinarity, riconiugare from beyond the surreal and rigid joints per hour, would also help the Italian school-up to the reality, in order to obtain more satisfactory results, which are essential to strengthen self-esteem of pupils, the headmaster of King Middle School refers to a comment from one student who epitomizza greatest success of the school institution "Nobody here is feel more stupid. "

Thursday, March 12, 2009

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The human face of digital learning

The e-learning (digital learning) is very different from e-teaching (teaching digital): Alberto Quagliata , associate professor of educational and technical training, shows you how to access digital learning resources - modules, learning units, online assessment - does not deviate much from the 'traditional teaching, the only innovative features is the forum, since it is the only one that requires human interaction, though asynchronous.
The distinctive character of e-learning is progressive and shared knowledge construction, provides for the use of different operating environments and includes an assumption of responsibility: it is active knowledge that includes the creation of applications not only for consultation. And
'This is the principle behind WI.MI. (Wide Minds: open minds), a project that is part of the lifelong learning of the European Community which aims to promote international collaboration as a context for improving skills, and multilingualism in order to collect, examine and disseminate the teaching and practice struggling to integrate them into reluctant national education systems.
The benefits of using ICT in improving the standard of skills development and autonomous learning, have been witnessed by a large number of projects, but unfortunately, many teachers still use the creative potential that technology offers for various reasons including the lack of familiarity, support, time and superficial underestimation of the importance of these new tools. And to pay the price for this stagnation are both boys, who under-utilize the resources of social networking and surfing the net and are disinterested and disappointed by the schools, which teachers increasingly distant and estranged from the real world and the new mental ecology of youth, the faculty can not get in more communication with the students' digital world, and lives with his defeat frustration.

Monday, March 9, 2009

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Combining mobile technology and teaching You can

I just had a conversation with the representative of Moule ITD (Institute for Educational Technology CNR) of Palermo, which he promised news on the results of the Mobile Ubiquitous Learning Project which involved the testing of mobile latest mobile phones (with GPS) and handheld computers to develop educational projects designed to involve cooperative learning resources and educational content to specific geographical locations.
The project, which ended in 2008, involving students and teachers of secondary level school, both groups participated in training courses and have been equipped with mobile devices, complete with GPS connected to the Internet. Teachers with basic knowledge of computer science, attended a 20 hour course that introduced them to the methodological aspects of cooperative learning and the design of learning activities which included fieldwork, the use of technology platform distance learning environment and Moodle Wiki to build shared knowledge.
The trial, which was intended to verify technological functionality of the system and its educational value, collaborative processes that led to the construction of knowledge and how Moule has facilitated these processes and the quantity of interactions between students and the quality of content created, seems to have produced positive results. The system allowed

- find the information filtered / refined based on the location,
- the inclusion of content in a collaborative way (with wiki technology and concept maps), allowing the association to a monument on the territory
- l 'annotation of multimedia content (images, text, audio interviews) on-site through mobile devices with the territory
of satellite tracking systems - the use of synchronous and asynchronous communication tools (chat and forums) are sensitive to location.
- the use of a browser for viewing on the territory of the position of users and items of interest
- automatic recognition points of interest.
- partedegli central monitoring by users.
an experiment worthy of note (and on which I plan to keep me updated), reminiscent of the GeoHistorian Project which aims to use mobile technologies to break down barriers between school and society, and aims to assess the phones as educational resources, reduce barriers between schools and communities (museums, zoo, etc.) and give students the opportunity to create resources for their community. This project used mobile technologies to bind the class to historical points of interest: using mobile phones that allow you to shoot photos and have GPS and wireless internet, and using sites like PoketCaster students can become historical documents, create and share the story of real people and real places. At an early stage, the project has already allowed to use cell phones for the creation and uploading of content on the internet, and currently we are studying the possibility of incorporating the two-dimensional barcodes QR (sort of code with a link mobile Internet that enables to connect instantly to content: This communication system will be adopted for the Expo 2010 in China) to allow students to create digital content within the context of physical and pemettere distributing such content to a wider audience .

Thursday, March 5, 2009

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the first school for digital natives

The first school for the digital natives, will open in Manhattan next autumn: Q2L or "Quest to Learn," designed by the Institute of Play and the New Vision for Public Schools and supported by the Center for Transformative Media will host the first class of twelve years old to accompany up to 18 years. Several exceptional partners - such as The Institute of Play, the Pearson Foundation - involved the project will provide unprecedented access to new learning tools, will allow educational use of digital technology and experiences to support student success, the development of their identity and an adequate preparation for college and / or career . The startling contrast between early school leaving and the growing use by children of various digital platforms support the need to redefine the teaching models and the experts present at school, is the basis of the bet design and innovative Quest to Learn, which aims to combine the traditional curriculum with the needs of students with digital and can learn a different way: digital media, games, network and mobile technology, access to online resources allow you to customize the content for each student. Students learn by doing: mathematics and language education next day, they will have the opportunity to gain experience with new media design through programming courses, digital arts and design games, will not fail a course on "wellness" which teaches students how to keep in shape heart, mind and body.
Finally a school seen as a dynamic learning environment, inspired by the rich multimedia learning where children have access when they leave school, finally the real possibility of connecting the reality two worlds, two realities that today as never before were so far away, and that, today more than ever, need to meets the adults of tomorrow to ensure a future in the global world.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

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The phone in class? Yes, thanks ... and more!

in America are increasing research projects, publications, and successful experiments largely financed by state funds and not for the development of educational activities that use mobile devices, with multiple benefits. E 'last month's report "Pockets of Potential" of the Joan Ganz Cooney Center : the visionary transformer - with the Muppets of Sesame Street (appeared in Italy as "Open Sesame") - a powerful tool in the television education, tries again with the proposal to provide an overview of the potential of mobile technologies hidden until recently relegated exclusively to the fields of entertainment and social communication and strictly kept away from school walls, and a reference design for competitive ability in students recovering Americans .
stimulate the curiosity and the motivation of the "digital natives" providing a relatively low-cost ICT devices even at the lowest income brackets to give all students an access to learning without time or space limits, improve collaborative interactions and communication needed in the third millennium, enjoy the portability and adaptability Extreme mobile device to any environment and ensure a personalized experience of learning are the foundation from which to coordinated action of large effect.
Among the various projects analyzed, Project K-Nect , which uses smart phones, digital broadband Qualcomm, Microsoft engineered to deliver digitized fragments of Algebra ("digital snippets") prepared by the Math Forum Drexell University and transformed into interactive content dynamic eye-catching, has already registered some success in its first phase has just ended: 75% of the participating classes (fifteen of North Carolina weak in mathematics which benefit from limited access or absent in PC and Internet at home) showed significant improvements compared to their peers not involved in the project.
service freeware Gcast - that lets you record podcasts via Playlist Manager, or call free from mobile phone to a toll-free number - and that of - that enables us to propose a survey or a multiple choice questionnaire to free to reply with an SMS - are just two of many cases of use of mobile phones for educational purposes. The growing use of mobile devices also depends on the large number of web services that have multiplied rapidly freemium although certainly not for the schools - but very useful for the latter - especially in the free version of the base. Podcasts can be valuable to monitor improvements in reading skills in their mother tongue or foreign language to interview people and collect data, to record the experiences of educational tours to rework later. The convergence of extreme
expensive option series, the wider availability of GPS (by October 2009, half of the phones will be standard in the U.S.), the consolidation of multiple platforms that solve the problem of the software and touch screen which makes mobile phones more user friendly are all elements that open borders unexpected.
The quality and variety of projects is astounding: investigation has developed games for Nintendo DS to enrich the lessons of traditional language and science, while JUMP into Reading for Meaning offers the Nintendo DS Lite for adventure role-playing games and educational development program Vocabulary; handheld GPS ( Education Arcade and MIT Teacher Education Program ) are used in the project Augmented Reality Games to match real-world experiences with additional information by providing high school students or college opportunities for scientific investigations on a large scale in on issues of environmental, and even GPS and QR codes allow students who take part in the GeoHistorian Project to link the class to places of historical interest, allowing anyone to walk in these places to access content created by students themselves and made available online.
However, whether it's the cheapest iPod, or much more expensive smartphones, or the Nintendo DS, Palm OS or Windows Mobile handheld, the ability to recover disparity in the opportunity to learn outside of school moves access to participation in digital technical problem and the need to address the key challenges mobile learning: to convince parents and teachers in the instructional and educational potential of mobile technology, solve problems related to a possible improper or unethical use of the devices by students, to overcome the limited physical attributes with appropriate software and widely compatible and, ultimately, to develop educational series evaluations and mobile organic theory of learning.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

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Parents are invited to school to help their children in mathematics

lessons to help parents understand the mathematics taught to their children? An article in Ed Week shows that the idea seems to be very popular in the U.S., aided also by the fact that mathematics plays a key role in the preparation of the third millennium. Here then is that the schools in various districts organize activities for meetings to encourage parents to take a more active role in learning their children and to understand how to teach this discipline today, too often so confusing, and workshops during the weekend and so on.
Everything fits perfectly in the heightened attention that the policy is investing in improving curricula and teaching of mathematics in elementary school, even peréh research shows that safety and a commitment to mathematics seem to be the keys to success .
Parents are interested in learning more: about the tendency to sacrifice the traditional strategies of arithmetic to teach students reasoning ability and problem solving, on the most suitable way to help their children with homework, in about new strategies that children use to learn math.
There are attempts to involve the parents - who will sign a pledge at the time of enrollment in school - reading and learning of science and all are doing well. However, mathematics has a special place: it is for children to develop the "sense" of the numbers and different strategies to solve problems rather than just the traditional unique strategy: the children themselves will then decide what to do.
There is no agreement on the prerequisites of math that parents should have to help their children seems to be essential to encourage the children to explain their answers.

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Students in the role of teachers to encourage language learning: an interesting experiment

Some high school students Cholla in Tucson, Arizona, in two days going to class II and V in two in a bilingual elementary schools to teach Chinese. The idea came to their Chinese teacher, Kimberly Gaskill STARTALK after participating in the program - a program held in different units of the country to provide useful strategies for teachers - at the University of Arizona. Once you have made with their teacher and have designed learning units, Gaskill students take lessons to children on culture and language they have already learned: for example, having rehearsed the numbers have taught to read dates. The result is positive for older students, after an initial approach is a bit 'hesitant, took over satisfaction with the results obtained, for children the experience has been one occasion in times of economic hardship of learning a language even if there is money. The success of the experiment led Kimberly Gaskill to contact other teachers in China to expand the project. The teacher explained that although the project did not pretend to go to replace the teacher is a starting point to stimulate children's interest in languages \u200b\u200band encourage them to study them once in high school.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

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Significant results of the Digital Youth Project Seminar

To analyze the behavior of young Americans in the network, MacArthur Foundation has funded a research study treinnale Digital Youth Project which was also attended by the well-known cultural anthropologist Mimi Ito. The report, published in November 2009, is extremely interesting to see how the young approach to technology and helps to dispel many misconceptions and common alarms also fomented by the media that tend to paint the new generation of digital natives as asocial, devoted to practices unnecessary if not harmful.
Basically the authors of the research have identified three different types of activities that children engage the network: "hanging out" which consists involvement in social activities, the "messing around" with regard to testing with games, network technology and the less experienced and "Geeking out" or technological interest in specific issues and the creation of communities of interest from technology experts .
In this relationship while also having a most comprehensive book titled "Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking out."