Monday, October 15, 2007

Shiny Gold Gpsphone Cheat

Environmental quality, Benevento in freefall

The city in the ranking of penultimate and Sole24ore Legambiente

Benevento October 15, 2007 - Belluno They go to the scores for the environmental report card. According to urban ecosystem, the annual survey carried out by Legambiente in collaboration with Sole - 24 Ore, the Venetian city is located at the top of the 103 provincial capitals because of good grades obtained on the fronts of air, transportation system and waste management.
Ragusa is ranked last and suffers from pollution, limited availability of urban green spaces, water issues and transportation. Ragusa is worse than just Benevento, which is the second lowest in the standings with 26.93 points (the national average is 50.55 and the leaders of Belluno has obtained 71.40).
not be the statistics and surveys while subjects credited as the Sun and 24 hours Legambiente to change history. What is certain is that Benevento is really in free fall. The first signs there had been in 2007, when the city stood in 87th place, with obvious compared to 2006 collapse, when not only the capital of Sunni finished in 46th place among all Italian cities, by obtaining a special prize (retired in course a ceremony in Milan by the then Deputy Mayor, Antonio Luciano) for installing photovoltaic systems in eight city schools for lighting and heating, making use of renewable and clean energy. The comment

The city that does not exist: it could be called the 2008 Urban Ecosystem report investigating the environmental framework in the 103 provincial capitals across a number of parameters divided by topic area. It is true that some small improvement in sight and that some centers show brilliant results in individual fields of inquiry (in alternative energy sources Brescia, Bergamo in areas with limited traffic, Isernia for the small amount of garbage, recycling on the front of Novara). But it is also true that there is a city capable of standing out clearly above the others in overall environmental quality.

And so to win this year's edition - made by Legambiente and the Institute of Environmental Research in collaboration with Italy's editorial Sole-24 Ore - and Belluno, in the first place that comes only gaining top positions in the areas waste, air and public transport for the rest, a series of placements just a little 'better than the others (but also some fall, as the rate of motorization, ozone and energy policies or failure to act on network losses and purification).
No surprises in the queue: still a reality in the South, Ragusa (Taranto was the last edition) preceded by Benevento, Frosinone and Oristano. To penalize the results are mostly in the areas water, waste, green movement (a bit surprising is the figure for the high fuel consumption combined with the presence of a car park rather old) but also the lack of information on many indicators (the city also is 88 ° to the local capacity to respond to the survey of Legambiente).

As to the whole list, it is clear the usual territorial gap. In the first half we follow common North and Central, interrupted only occasionally by some southern presence: to meet the first representative of the South should go down to 18th place occupied by a Molise (Campobasso) and then at 36 ° (Power) or at 41 ° (Caserta) . Thickened but the bottom of the ranking the South: rising from below, and with the exception of Frosinone (101 ª), the sequence stops at 93 ° step with America, then with Vercelli (90th), Alexandria (87 th) and Imperia (84 ª ). Note the good performance of Lombardy and Tuscany: a square three cities in the top ten (Bergamo and Mantua, second and third, and Pavia, tenth), the other two (Livorno and Siena, respectively the fourth and sixth place). But the Trentino Alto Adige comes out just fine (with the seventh Trento and Bolzano, winners of last year, ninth). What

in small or medium-sized city in general breathe the best air shows not only the succession of winners of the various editions of the urban ecosystem, but also the unsatisfactory position of the "metropolis" is the best Genoa (13 st) advantage of geographic location. In the second half of the standings all the others: Roma (55th place), Milan (58 °), both well made but the availability of public transport and Turin (74 °), which still stands in the policies energy, Bari (82 °), Palermo (89th) and Naples (91 °).

Beyond the final report card - even to encourage, in urban policy, and no significant structural interventions geared to emergency management - can help groom the individual tables of the report (following pages). So it will be found, for example, that in 58 cities there is a critical situation for nitrogen dioxide and 40 for fine, there are 62 cars per 100 inhabitants, and that each year they throw 618 pounds of garbage per person (of which just over a fifth recycled) that almost a third of the water fed into the grid is lost, and that travel collective tram, bus or subway you prefer to travel by car. And in a city that green is still just a little: in 42 municipalities of less than 5 square meters per person, a third of that required by national planning standards. Scarlett


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