Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gohan Doujinshi Bulma

iCity-peripheral Genoa

iCity-peripheral Genoa
mind maps for a device

27-31 March 2007 by Fabrizio Basso, Silvia Cini, Emanuele Piccardo, Elisabetta Rota
webmaster Diego Ghiddini

with sponsored by the Museum of Contemporary Art Villa Croce

Lodge of Merchandise

Piazza Banchi, Genova

18 Opening hours: 00

iCity-devices is an ongoing project that has taken place, as a first step, while in Bologna day of Artefiera Urban Center in the spaces of Palazzo Re Enzo, and continue in stages through the major Italian cities, Genoa hours, enhanced with content from place to place.
The title plays ironically on a semantic cut up that includes the use and exploitation of the i-pod, such as generational status symbol today. The i-pod technology has revolutionized the concept of moving the walkman to use passive listening to the opportunity to interact with the medium and show or make it listen to their productions through video and audio podcasts. In this project, the i-pod becomes the means to communicate the thought based on the concept of copyleft, which allows a spread open and limitless creativity art, freely downloadable and usable through the interaction between people and "device" with an intentional reappropriation criticism of the common use of the medium, usually used to download commercial content and bound by codes DRM. The operation mode of the I-pod, is in our case, the stimulus for a work plan that will involve an interdisciplinary group of artists, critics, architects, poets, sociologists, musicians, etc.., Which invited to participate, donate a job : video, audio, or speech sound or images.
The project seeks to reverse the city-the concept of nomadism and temporary autonomous zone was proposed by Hakim Bay through the use of i-pod, as a TAZ, will have "a temporary location, but in real time and a temporary location, but real space, without a physical place of reference be an internet archive, where you can select and download your own play list, along with a series of exhibitions and events
that recreate every time the work presented in the earlier stages with the city-host of the stage, creating a series of maps for this "device". In the specific case of Genoa, the project will not be limited almost exclusively to one area of \u200b\u200bart, as in Bologna, but involving different figures, will try to outline a more comprehensive and moving portrait of the items have driven the difficult cultural and political debate in a town in the middle of great contradictions and changes. On-site
www.icity periferiche.com converge all the work that will be updated in real time while on display all contributions collected will be presented in various stages of the initiative. Among the participants in step
Genoa: A12, Actiegroup, Guido Related, Other places, Giuliano Arnaldi / Archetypes, Gabriella Arrigoni, Barbara Barbantini, Baukuh, Chiara Benedetti Matteo Fontana + + Sara Maltese, Mario Benvenuto, Marco Berisso, Lorenzo Biggi, Cesare Bignotti / Useless Idea, Mauro Bolognini, Gianpaolo Bonfiglio, Marco Bruzzone, Piero Cademartori, Andre Cafferata, Roberto Gucci Cantarini Capitta Massimo, Guido Caserza, Eleonora Chiesa, Roberta Alexander Chiossone + Volpone, Marco Ciarlo, Viana Conti, coursed by Hag, Miriam Cristaldi, Giulio D'Agostino / Yulya, Anna Daneri, Andrea Dapueto, Donald Datta, Brunetto He beat De, Daniele Del Black, Ugo Delucchi, Dirty action, Malebolge Ensemble, Laura Erber + Federico Nicolao, Simonetta Fadda, flexibilité audio (mass_prod, sars, punkwnown, & modus, robot), Fly, Vittore Fossati, Pierluigi Fresia, Marcello Clutch, Loredana Galante, Paul Gentleman, Giancarlo Norese, Serena Jordan, Laura Guglielmi, Alexander Hahn, Impressive Trio, Klasse Kriminal, Alessandro Lupi, Megadeth, Peter Millefiori, Mr Puma / Raptus, Luca Mori, Multiplicity, Giancarlo Norese, Eugenie Novelli, OBR, Mattia Paganelli, Massimo Palazzi, Gianfranco Pangrazio, Eleonora Papietro, Agostino Petrillo, Pietro Luigi Piccardo, Pinksummer, Mary F. Popia, Andrea Repetto, Bruno Repetto, Sandro Ricaldone, John Robustelli, Rockton Rebel, Mario Rossi, Claudio Ruggeri / Pintapiuma, Gianluca Seimandi, Senzasciou / Bob Quartermaine, Yuan Shun, Sandra Solimano, Studio drop drop, Francesca Traverso, Truelove, Fabrizio venerable , Cesare Viel, Marco Villani, Luca Vitone, Voices Atrocity / Andrea Ceccon ...

Fabrizio Basso, Silvia Cini, Emanuele Piccardo, Elisabetta Rota
Webmaster Diego Ghiddini
Lodge of Merchandise, Piazza Banchi, Genova
Info: info@icity-periferiche.com or elisagrad@tiscali.it

City of Genoa, Museo di Villa Croce, BAG,
www.UnDo.net network of contemporary culture


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