Saturday, December 18, 2010
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lorenzojhwh (3 seconds ago) Remove Hearts and the mercy and the fact that Muslims who follow their religion in their hearts, have mercy on them there are great similarities, but now Muslims have mercy on a few of them when they are away from the teachings of Islamic religion, the truth - ANSWER-> for me: Islam is the true love, something perfect. PER ME: il vero islam è amore, qualcosa di molto perfetto. | |
(54 minutes ago) | ShalomGerusalemme |
I hate my own life in the world for the sake of the Kingdom to which I belong. I am the first and only King: of the whole human race: an absolute monarchy that is universal. as metaphysics, I am the objective morality of natural law: but in a supernatural, I am the door of the Kingdom of God: the only by which: they can enter into eternal life atheists, those who have not had a religious journey etc. .. all those who will be entitled to have suffered to spread justice and truth. but, in the Kingdom of God there are fucking selfish. For them there is nothing that can be done! metaphysical speculation that is my vision of sending me whether you are enlightened on this planet and the things of God, His Kingdom, His nature. | |
lorenzojhwh (1 day ago) Remove "I'm absolutely rational" if we are with this all the aspects of knowing and perceiving that they are in my being and in my ministry Rationality is also the aspect of my belief, because I have forced God to show me: rationally, the mysteries of his faith. God gave me the humanistic and personalistic metaphysics of natural law. All I can say, is therefore an elaboration of the story (the reality of men) and the Bible (the reality of God). The Bible is for me, much more of a technical-scientific text. is a person: who communicates with me intuitively: that is bypassing the whole field of supernatural or psychic. | |
Remove achieve this political project. But I think I can: why God would have created or attracted? | to fail? Now that's a race for survival! |
(1 day ago) Remove Still, I am a universal political: to me the words: jew Muslim, Christian, etc.. .. Fundamental have no value. I believe That all mankind is one family! I am the universal brotherhood! rrmbgpym @ -> this is the mystery of my nature, I am a universal political: to me the words: jew Muslim Christian, etc. .. have no fundamental value. I believe that all mankind is one family! | |
(1 day fa) Rimuovi I can proof to you! | |
(1 day ago) SIGNORAGGIO? ** It's not really possible to speak of bank seigniorage, because the people will quickly realize that all politicians have always betrayed them and sold. | ** During the day they go to church or the fascists and communists, * "but not at night!" - at night are all under the cabin of Freemasonry. ** The "day stress" in the ministries, etc. .. "but not at night!" all love "bafomet. Wednesday, November 24, 2010Compustar Review 2010
"branches out through women. If they are repressed, the fight to raise it again. If women are free, she is free. Fortunately, though many times the force to withdraw, as many leaps forward again. If so many times is prohibited, crushed, blown back out, weakened, tortured, passed off for pernicious, crazy, and apply other names to discredit, she exudes a second upward movement in women, so that even the most quiet, even the most compressed of women kept a place for wild women. Even the most repressed of women have a secret life, secret thoughts and feelings with secrets that are lush and wild, or natural. Even the women captive wild preserves the place of the ego, because intuitively knows that one day there will be a slit, an opening, a chance, and you throw it to escape. " Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run with Wolves. The myth of the Wild Woman When discussing the emancipation of our common imagery brings to mind, among other things, the figure of the female and strenuous battles won in the time to ensure parity with the ball of the opposite sex, the male. Equality which had not yet been reached. But what do we mean by empowerment today? The figure of the woman must be freed so that it can not be more: * judged by physical appearance * subject to judge rather than individual judges * Discrimination in the workplace absent from the workplace * * raped, beaten and thrown in the streets to prostitute * insecure in their homes for unsafe road * * body reduced to a small silicone * * * without consciousness in the dressing burned, tortured, and to take stones, mutilated * unable to reject inappropriate advances * wife and devoted mother or whore * ignored, not considered as representative half the population unable to * fighter for his sacred rights of human being * unable to not feel a sense of guilt after eating what she wanted to eat * trapped in a perpetual sense of inadequacy Now we try to see how the stereotype can be freed of the human figure, that is no longer * a person in a position to judge the woman just for its looks * limited in their ability to recognize an opportunity for the other sex * comparison discriminatory reasons beyond the context examined * present in the workplace because they have only a penis * customer of prostitutes thrown on the street after being raped and beaten * father, husband, uncle, friend, abusive, rapist, murderess (Home) * unknown rapist maniac murderess (the streets) * troglodyte who drools over the body of a woman * drooling troglodyte on the silicon body of a woman * not smart enough to recognize the woman from the same freedom in dressing * not human enough to prevent burning, torture, Stone, mutilate a woman for alleged crimes when committed by a man just accepted routine * marpione that in any event can not help but make advances to women to try to exploit conceal his manhood and his castration complex latent * unable to consider the woman except as a wife and devoted mother to the family, who served and revered like a spoiled child, or a bitch to use and then throw a used tissue and * dirty unable to compete with the other half of the population that is female * unable to fight for the sacred rights of woman as a human being * unable to avoid fitting models stereotyped sexualized and demeaning to both sexes * trapped in a perpetual sense of inadequacy There are many women who want to break away from the imaginary stereotype in our society. There are some men who want to break away from the imaginary stereotype in our society. Nowadays we can no longer talk about feminism, women's empowerment, women's issues. E 'increasingly urgent to speak of emancipation, so that the spheres of female and male can overlap without prejudice. If women no longer stuck in the stereotype of the devoted wife, mother, beautiful at any cost. that man is no longer stuck in the stereotype of the macho without feelings. For a society in which the woman is free to be a worker, an entrepreneur of itself, present in all social and political contexts. For a society where a man can be free to be a bit 'Dad more, a little' more home, you have the freedom to cry if they want, without being mocked, not having to prove their manhood every time to be accepted. As the woman should not always show his physical attractiveness to be accepted. I think no one better than a man can express these feelings summarized briefly here. Men, we want to hear you too! Men, women, if you feel belittled, humiliated, debased by the model proposed for man and woman in our society, react! a social message in the hope that sexuality can be lived freely from both sexes, in dilaettica between male and female. "If women really want to be known by man, must indoctrinate them in-depth knowledge. Some say they're tired, you have already done too much. We humbly suggest that maybe they tried to teach a man to whom no interest at all to learn. For the most part people want to know, want to learn. When a man shows that will, then it's time to reveal things: it calls for another soul. Here are some things that will make it easier to understand, and meet the woman in the middle. [...] Likewise, the wild woman companion favors that can be his equal. " Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run with Wolves . The myth of the Wild Woman Solomon Helmet How To Remove
Macao: Dwan than 9 million dollars! Illegal Poker Games
As you all know the Asian Poker Tour in Macau are playing the high stakes poker face each other very strong players who see the U.S. and rich Chinese businessmen. To act as the undisputed master of the first "Durrr Live Challenge" is of course Tom Dwan. The limits are HK $ 5000-10000. Recall that an American dollar is worth about HK $ 7. Ivey returns to Las Vegas for personal reasons after taking a resounding "Scoppola" by Tom. Option of Ivey at 20k, to 40k Dwan of double option, a player in middle position and leaning Ivey covers. Dwan raised to 180k, MP player folded, re-push all in for Ivey and instant call to Dwan. AToff Ivey, Dwan pair of 7. Board no 10 and no Ace Dwan wins a pot worth 3 million HK dollars! Dwan should be above about 62 million HK dollars, thus amounting to almost 9 million dollars! A stratospheric figure. One must be cautious, however: the news we receive from the famous 2 +2 forum and if I post are Tom Hall and Matt Savage then they should be quite real. Dwan has made a great recovery after being below 20 million HK dollars in the day. In an interview with the hot StarWorld Galaxy Casino Macau Tom admitted that he had lost a few shots in bluff: "These Chinese men are very brave and have a lot of money, so it is was very difficult to bluff. " The Chinese businessmen allow a limited number of pro-American for the table. In addition to playing heads up will play 6-handed tables 10k-20k HK dollars. Even Juanda is doing an excellent performance even if the landlord, in mockery to the Chinese, seems to be Durrr! Daniele Barbera POKER! - The largest online resource on poker tournaments in Italy White Spots Teeth Whitening
the evening of November 18, 2010 the Secretariat of the Swiss Federal Gaming Board (FGB) as part of its monitoring activities, he found the provision of a Poker Tournament Texas Hold'em no limit and has opened a criminal procedure. Thursday evening, the Secretariat of the Federal Gaming Board, in collaboration with the Bern cantonal police, executed a search warrant in a room in domiciliale Bützberg (BE). Were found in the room, sitting around three tables, 28 people participating in a poker tournament Texas Hold'em no limit ". They said they play with friends in an association. POKER! - The largest online resource on poker tournaments in Italy Dishlex 300 Flashing Lights Problem
The IOPC innovative idea in online
The IOPC Fund, founded by young fans of online poker in the province of Cuneo, is pursuing an idea very innovative in this area: to create a unique online poker league, and do it by the idea of \u200b\u200bidentifying a point of union between the many actors sector. In fact, through the organization and regulation of online poker championship poker room on several official authorized by AAMS, the IOPC Fund will be able to proclaim a single sample of Italian online poker. It will thus enhance the skill in playing poker tournaments, regardless of the cost to buy in (ie, the location of the online poker player in the ranking of the Fund Convention, will be the only index level of play). A league short on 1 "platform" to win the WSOP site the IOPC Fund can register free from 1 October last year and the month of January 2011, will offer the opportunity to participate in a league of poker online poker room each with its contractors. In few words, an innovative championship "platform" which will begin with a phase called "entry level", and through a system of promotion and relegation will shape the next several seasons with IOPC category leagues. online poker players who will be promoted in other categories, will clash in the top league in turn hosted by one or more platforms. At the end there will be a universal winner, the Italian champion of online poker, which has defeated the best players of the various online poker rooms! In the first of January next IOPC championship, the winner will receive a complete package for the upcoming WSOP (Flight A / R Las Vegas Hotel 5-star suite for 6 nights and $ 1,000 buy-in). Recall that the membership is free! POKER! - The largest online resource on poker tournaments in Italy Money For 1st Birthday Poem
Poker Grand Prix St Vincent
Event: PGP Date: 25-28 / 11/2010 Location: St. Vincent Buy-in: 1500 € + 150 € Side Events: Start events will be held, Flash, Rounder, Omaha PL all valid for the general classification SatellitesOnline: Digital Game The PGP will remember October was won by Jackson Genoese who put all in a row after a tough heads up against a lever. In the last and decisive hand of the couple Di Leva is 7-7 from 10-6 burst Genovesi deservedly won the tournament by winning, taking home € 46,000. Everyone will remember that the whole family went to press in the Hope tournament, but this time it was a "father" Hope and not to one of two very strong brothers. Omaha instead repeated her success in May Rocco Palumbo, the strong pro Gaming Digital which has thus brought the head of the general classification. The PGP will be held in November November 25 to 28 in St. Vincent and promises to be a hard-fought tournament. In fact it is the final act before the Grand Final in January. This complete program: Daniele Barbera POKER! - The largest online resource on poker tournaments in Italy Bmi Large Heavy Breasts And Bmi
ending on day 1 B in Barcelona: Rufas is chip leader
"Mustacchione" fresh winner of the mini IPT Malta goes to the sound of 3-bet and re-push and goes up to 100,000 chips. Cipollini flies to 150,000 chips to the top, is from the beginning of the tournament he is playing very well. The cards seem to be on his side. Out Pagano first undergoes a full / over full and then lose a flip, Mazzia also got a great collapses in 3500 with AA against KK of an opponent. The verdict of the board tremendous: the kappa flop. Minieri out after his usual roller coaster, the company is also good evidence that after Negreanu Vienna greets all this time already on day 1. Bonavena out after a call on the turn when he was pot committed after its second barrel and push an opponent. Mister Ept put them but the river is blank. Diesel Luske go slow but there is at 80,000 chips. Last Updated (day1 end B) There are no surprises for the Azzurri in the last 2 levels after the break. Kanit author of a superlative performance and Cipollini, respectively, are flying to 126k and 130k chips. Benelli also good with 113k chips and "Misonoilluso" with 96k. Luis Rufas with over 230,000 chips is the tournament chip leader. Exceed day1 B, 273 players. Daniele Barbera Saturday, October 16, 2010 |
lorenzojhwh (14 minuti fa) Rimuovi Into beasts with men lie of evolution. depleted enlightened Our Lives Have to buy us with a dollar. They Have Won, and Their is an outright win. We Just Have to Wait Until the worst of the worst now. Yes, the Illuminati are Satanists have no respect for human dignity have been enlightened steal the soul of the world and turn all men into beasts with the lie of evolution. lit have exhausted our lives to buy a dollar. They have won, and his victory is a pure and simple just have to wait until the worst of the worst now. | |
lorenzojhwh | of Israel that God not has blessed for his Satanism IMF banchink seigniorage, etc. .. I know that the power has been stolen by Satanists & enlightened & American corporations and that we have all become of little men. But this is not the time to be afraid or being conservative, this is the time to be heroes! The Spirit and the Bride say "Come!" Whoever is thirsty come and take gratis the water of life. @JHWH-"Mihi vivere Christus est!"-> [ReiUnis against enlightened] by your✡King-of-Jerusalem&Palestina♥. ♰ ReiUnius lorenzojhwh (1 hour ago) Remove | @ Lobby judío -> Si no cambian las instituciones Conmigo? Usted sera por la destruido ira de Dios muy pronto!
lorenzojhwh Rimuovi blindness from your hearts and see with knowing eyes; do not be blinded to what is happening about you. Woe to the parent who sells the soul of his child for human gain! Man has become their god! HELL WILL OVERFLOW WITH YOUR SOULS! PREPARE NOW | KillYourSelfUglyFagg (6 ore fa) |
eat whatever. LOL | (9 ore fa) Rimuovi | described in Revelation: 1. micro chip, chip, or very, or 666, 2. modern tanks, fighter bombers, nuclear weapons, 3. Nuclear World War 3 °, 4. TV, Internet, webcam,
hell is the greatest punishment, then disintegrated. GOD CONTINUE BLESSING YOU POWERFUL | lorenzojhwh (10 ore fa) Rimuovi - 6944381 Views. I swear in the name's YHWH of Moses, that everyone who gets the kiss with the tongue on the internet, they will be cursed forever and will be damaged even in his health. For the love that you have for Israel, I beg you to remove these 2 videos that are among your favorite thanks. Month bless you! shalom + salam = love |
(10 ore fa) | Rimuovi Spam Segnalato come spam 7/7@sharapovaslaveboy-> [First Book of Kings 18] [1] After a long time, the Lord came to Elijah in the third year: "Come on, show yourself to Ahab, I will give rain upon the earth." [2] Elijah went to show himself to Ahab. There was a great famine in Samaria. - COMMENT -> For 2.5 years, day and night, Elijah lived in close contact with the young woman, that she was not in condition to reject a proposal sexual of Elijah, who undoubtedly has given love, protection and warmth to those two fragile creatures. But by this expression we understand that chastity of Elijah have soured the guilt of the woman that said, 'First Book of Kings 18.18] to Elijah: "What have I to do with you, man God? You came to me, to remind me of my sins and to kill my son? "- COMMENT -> She could not talk in like mode if Elijah had joined her sexually to her, in all that time. |
(10 ore fa) | Rimuovi lorenzojhwh |
Rimuovi the Lord: "O Lord my God, maybe you will do harm to this widow, I am staying, much to her son die?" (The child was already dead) - COMMENT -> She knew that Elijah was the most wanted man in the world, because with his curse had condemned to death many people, but for the permanent miracle of the flour and oil, was grateful for his survival. But the woman was not completely conquered by the celibacy of Elijah, that for the circumstances of intimacy, he could join her. Elijah has spent all his 24 hours, every day, totally hidden in prayer (I could do the same for reading the Bible) because Elijah could not even look out the window. | (11 ore fa) | the child three times and called on the Lord:" O Lord my God, the soul of the child back into his body. " [22] The Lord heard Elijah's cry, the soul of the child returned to his body and he revived. [23] Elijah took the child and took him to the ground floor and handed it to his mother. Elijah said: "Look! Your son lives. " [24] The woman said to Elijah, "Now I know you are a man of God and that the true word of the Lord is on your mouth ' -COMMENT-> She knew that Elijah was the most wanted man in the world, because his curse had condemned to death many people, bringing famine to the world
(11 ore fa) Rimuovi was very serious, so that was out of breath (dead). [18] She then said to Elijah, "What's between me and thee, O man of God? You came to me, to remind me of my sins and to kill my son? "- COMMENT -> Now, while his son is dead, the woman reveals her secret that rips his heart, because now that the child is dead, she no longer has a reason to live, and then reveals his adultery. | |
(11 ore fa) | |
Spam | |
Reported as spam | lorenzojhwh
Spam sharapovaslaveboy @ -> [First Book of the RE17, 21] extended the child three times and called on the Lord: "O Lord my God, the soul of the child back into his body '. [22] The Lord heard Elijah's cry, the soul of the child returned to his body and he revived. [23] Elijah took the child and took him to the ground floor and handed it to his mother. Elijah said: "Look! Your son lives. " [24] The woman said to Elijah, "Now I know you are a man of God and that the true word of the Lord is on your lips." - COMMENT -> Women for its misfortunes and his sins had completely lost their faith in God was not conquered by chastity and prayer of Elijah, nor the permanent miracle of the oil and flour that had lasted 2.5 years. But before the resurrection of the son, the woman was captured. | (12 hours ago) |
spam sharapovaslaveboy @ -> [First Book of Kings 17.19] And Elijah said, "Give me your son." [20] So he called upon the Lord: "O Lord my God, maybe you will do harm to this widow, I am staying, much to her son die?" (The child was already dead) - COMMENT -> She knew that Elijah was the most wanted man in the world, because with his curse had condemned to death many people, but for the permanent miracle of the flour and oil, was grateful for his survival. But he was not completely conquered by the celibacy of Elijah, that the circumstances could join her. Elijah spent all her 24 hours every day, totally hidden in prayer (I could do the same for reading the Bible) because Elijah could not even look out the window. | Remove "Give me your son." Took it from her bosom, carried him upstairs, where he lived, and laid him on the bed. [20] So he called upon the Lord: "O Lord my God, maybe you will do harm to this widow I am staying, so as to make them die son?. "[21] extended the child three times and called on the Lord:" O Lord my God, the soul of the child back into his body. " [22] The Lord heard Elijah's cry, the soul of the child returned to his body and he revived. [23] Elijah took the child and took him to the ground floor and handed it to his mother. Elijah said: "Look! Your son lives. " [24] The woman said to Elijah, "Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word the Lord is on your mouth '- COMMENT -> She knew that Elijah was the most wanted man in the world, because with his curse had condemned to death many people |
lorenzojhwh (12 hours ago) Remove Kings 17.15] she went and did as Elijah said. They ate it, he and her son for several days. [16] The jar of meal was not less, jug of oil fail, according to the word that the Lord had foretold through Elijah. [17] Then the son of the landlady was taken ill. His illness was very serious, so that was out of breath. [18] She then said to Elijah, "What's between me and thee, O man of God? You came to me to remind them of my sins and to kill my son? "- COMMENT -> Now, while his son is dead, the woman reveals her secret, because now that his son died, she no longer has reason a reason to live and then to hide his adultery. | |
(12 hours ago) | |
Remove | Zarephath in Sidon and settle down there. Here I have commanded a widow there to your food. " - COMMENT -> Why did God send his minister in this house of this young widow? Why is this woman behind closed doors in her heart a terrible mystery of death. God had given her the most beautiful love story, and this was to attract the attentions of Satan who seduced her, pulling her into a relationship of adultery, who gave him his only children. Her husband left to die in pain. This woman was destroyed, she felt guilty for the death of her husband and only son constantly reminded of his sin. He wanted to die too, but, however, was doomed to live for the sake of the child. lorenzojhwh |
Rimuovi things holy, and for your glory living: they live! tu sei degno o Signore e Dio nostro di ricevere la gloria, perché tu Santo hai creato tutte le cose e per il tuo splendore sussistono, per la vostra vivente gloria: vivono! | you are worthy, O Lord, our God to get respect, because you created all things holy, and life to your glory: they חיים! Holy ✡ |
(1 giorno fa) Rimuovi / Woman. That is, metaphysics of "universal brotherhood." what I write, "is ever attacked." I: lorenzojhwh "ReiUnius. I brother of every person on Earth. Because of this, you are going to die with any other killed by Naor. I have the legal rights of God, all religions and all nations. by the Jerusalem king-of-your ✡ ♥ & Palestine. ♰ ReiUnius | |
lorenzojhwh (1 giorno fa) Rimuovi I do not need consultants, but I do not need the Parliament. do not have to believe me, but it is necessary to completely remove the shadow of the Enlightened : ie bank seigniorage, the IMF-NWO; 1. Down to the Jewish people My. 2. Down to my Jewish Temple. by the Jerusalem king-of-your ✡ ♥ & Palestine. ♰ | |
lorenzojhwh (1 giorno fa) | |
(1 giorno fa) | Rimuovi I do not need a parliament. is not necessary to believe in me, but it is indispensable to remove completely the shadow of enlightened: ie bank seigniorage, IMF-NWO; 1. from above to my Jewish people. 2. from above to my Jewish Temple. by your King-of-✡ Jerusalem & Palestine ♥. ♰ ReiUnius |
Spam | Reported as spam @ YHWH-"Mihi live Christus est!" -> # 11 [ReiUnis Against enlightened] what I say is that forever. " is the law: I am the king of Adam David ie the metaphysics of "universal brotherhood". what I write, "is valid for ever" I am : lorenzojhwh "the ReiUnius. I am the brother of every man on the planet. why, you're going to die together killed by lit I have the legal rights of God, for all religions and all peoples. by your ✡ King-of-Jerusalem & Palestine ♥. ♰ ReiUnius |
(1 day ago) Remove I do not need a parliament. is not necessary to believe in me, but it is essential : completely remove the shadow of light: ie bank seigniorage, IMF-NWO from above to my Jewish people from above to my Jewish Temple by your ✡ King -of-Jerusalem & Palestine ♥. ♰ ReiUnius | |
(1 day ago) | Monday, January 18, 2010What Do Nipple Piercings Mean
Tutor intelligent and sensitive another American recipe for student success. WHY
After cognitive tutor programs, which in America are already used in thousands of schools, the University of Massachusetts is testing software for tutoring sensitive to emotions in order to improve student performance: The program, which is part of a larger project to be able to provide the system of intelligent tutor emotional and social support, includes among the financiers National Science Foundation and the Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences The first results are encouraging because the ' Using these experimental software has produced an increase of 10% success in testing the geometry for students who have them used for a week. With bracelets with sensors that can detect changes in pulse and perspiration sensor nell'imbottitura chair, reading posture and sensors on the mouse, which record the possible increase of the pressure close to the mouse itself, any signs of frustration are immediately buffered by the computer tutor. Now I have to admit my lack of information regarding the Italian initiative, but it seems to me that here (because of the increase veritiginoso failures recorded at the end of last school anus), rather than the tendency to deal with the discomfort of the students and how it can affect learning, it is very most common approach that is taken for granted and penalizes lack of interest among students for a school that continues to be far from reality. Instead of asking why the students do a lot of absences, the Minister Gelmini is concerned to impose by law a minimum percentage of attendance for eligibility for promotion: it is much easier than making a qualifying teachers capable of making school more interesting .
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