Wednesday, October 28, 2009

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This is the comment by N. Negroponte to silence the objections of those who sees no feasible way to mass computerization of school. Given that I share most of opinions and all the work of this visionary founder of the OLPC (One Laptop erp Child) who celebrated in September another extraordinary success with the delivery of 400,000 PCs in Uruguayan children, I can not just accept his theory of the use of the computer (I know better from using ICT word that he is unseemly and disconnected from everyday practice and from ' imagery for the digital generation) shared a light heart by Faggioli that the ADI has translated and commented Negroponte the intervention of the IDB Forum.
Indeed I must say that I am astonished by the lightness with which he proposes such a theory, because many research and authoritative advice across the ocean (AAL, for example) have amply demonstrated that even though the children are using the PC and the Internet daily and for more hours, this does not mean means that they are able to benefit from the potential it offers for achieving necessary skills for the 21st century.
Being able to search, validate, organize information available on the web means to carry out the successive steps of type skills bloom and has nothing to do with knowing how to press buttons, because it requires cognitive skills that need to be developed by experts.
The view simply irrelevant information, or unverified, but failed to adequately analyze or organize, to synthesize them or use them for creative purposes does not prepare children to face the challenges of technologically interconnected world where competition is global and the pace evolution of technology is the new USB 3.0 at up to 25 gigabytes every 70 seconds.
Ben is a computer for a child, I wish I could see that day does not mean that it will sound the digital divide, but it risks creating a new illiteracy masquerading as a technological innovation.
A very sad prospect unless you provide trainers to train properly!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

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Thanks to a grant of individual training received by the Lifelong Learning Programme - Comenius, I could go to Malta to follow a course of five days dedicated to e-learning organized by Across Limits ltd "and based on material line available at this LINK . (The webpage provides login and password for access to everything we used during the course).

Among the stated objectives, there was the intention to demystify e-learning and make it accessible even to non-technically inclined, the practical use of tools to create e-learning courses, sharing of positive experiences among participants .
by experts in educational research that unequivocally and authoritatively demonstrate the potential of multimedia, and fierce advocate of the use thereof for increasing the pleasantness, the effectiveness of learning and to demonstrate the same, it is obvious that I asked to participate in this course to justify my conversion to ICT is back at the dawn of Web 1.0. A number of freeware applications and object of the course were already known to me (I use Hot Potatoes for 15 years), so my interest was mainly oriented towards developing a better understanding of the LMS (e-learning platform to manage students), LCMS ( creating content for e-learning) and SCORM (standard for the upload of e-learning), and the use of freeware applications for managing online classes as Dimdim , whose potential can be appreciated only in a session practice: in these areas the course has been quite satisfactory. Unfortunately

some of the links provided during the course and accessible from the site dell'Across Limits, on theoretical or practical resources to help you create e-learning are no longer operating or its latest update in a few years ago.

During the sessions I discovered the following two sites that did not know and they deserve a careful consultation:

1. Internet Public Library (IPL)
an extraordinary library online that not only provides quality resources for teaching / learning of any subject (founded by the University of Michigan School of Information and hosted by the College of Information Science and Technology 'Univerity of Drexsel), but agrees to undertake research on demand even if you do not find what you want.

2. Project Gutenberg
a free online collection of 30,000 books in all languages \u200b\u200b(audio and / or reading) produced by thousands of volunteers.

The most positive experiences of this very short period of training abroad - the fourth of its kind in my career - were Ina, Solveig and Cristina: the other three other teachers from Finalndia, Lithuania and Romania. The exchange of ideas, opinions and friendship that was born among us by sharing the desire to grow professionally (which is not common in the school I frequent) will certainly result in cultural exchanges and collaborations between students.
Also, my new Finnish friend confirmed to me what I had already read several reports by the OECD / CERI about the validity and effectiveness of the educational system of this Nordic country, whose olds, with 8,000 hours of lessons in less than Italian peers, are the first results of PISA test, while our boys are the last.
recipe? Strict selection for teachers (only 15% of the applicants is admitted), constant updating of teachers and training and summative tests for children (see video ).
groped would not be so hard to emulate, if the Italian school was not an employment center ably managed by trade unions and the Ministry of Education provvedesse a teacher training worthy of the name and press with monetary incentives and awards for outstanding people who constantly update their skills.